The first important thing is the teacher prepare the lesson plan which used as a reference in the learning process. My cooperative teacher is using student centered learning and also dicovery learning, so students are very active in the learning process. My cooperative teacher always do the ice breaking with dancing before she start the learning process, when she see the students little tired or not really conducive. And also everytime my cooperative teacher just enter the class, students must prepare unfamiliar words in English with the explanation also. And then, one of them will come to the front of class to deliver what sentence she or he got today. Since this is student centered learning, the students always have a chance to ask questions, so students can understand more and explore more the material given by the teacher. In the end of learning process, My cooperative teacher will ask the students about what they learn today. Aims to review everything that they learned, whether they really understand about the topic or not. And also, she will ask about what the moral values that Josenians can take in daily life from today's topic.
1.2 Learning Materials
There are provided speakers, projectors and microphones that can be used for teaching. The teacher always prepare a powerpoint presentation to learning process, While also the students always use their textbook as their learning reference. So, after the teacher explain all of the material in powerpoint, students will be given an assignment from their textbook or the teacher has prepared the worksheet that students will work according to the instructions.
1.3 Sources of Learning and Technology
for the sources, the teacher using K-12 curriculum. And mostly the teacher is using their textbook for other sources of learning. For the technology, the teacher always use projector, also with the big speaker. And they sometimes will go to Aralink E-Learning, USJR also have office that provides materials for learning that can be used for teacher, and also the library that has many books for students, and also provides some computer which they can use at any time.

Here the folder of K-12 guide curriculum
The students are always graded from written task and performance task. they have understanding test, knowledge and process test as their exam.
Here the example of their understanding test and performance task
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